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Artist Tools -> Color Shaper

BS1342 16#; BS1344,10#; BS1345,6#; BS1346,2#; BS1348,0# (From big to small)

Silicon Color Shaper

High quality , especially made for professional artist

From left to right, the shape are 1- Cup chisel, 2- Flat chisel, 3- Angle chisel, 4- Taper point, 5- Cup round.

1- Cup chisel: Adjust contours and edges, Carve paint and Remove paint.

2- Flat chisel: Blend paint, Mix paint on the palette and Create flat even strokes of colour.

3- Angle chisel: Create expressive strokes, Work from thick to thin and Make precise marks.

4- Taper point: Apply and carve paint, Blend charcoal and pastel, Create clean linear strokes and Make broad forceful marks

5- Cup round: Move heavy paint, Control chick colour, Create soft edge strokes and Blend pastel and charcoal.

Rubber color shaper is available too , much cheaper than silicon color shaper, used to students.

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